
환경,생물 분야의 레이저분광법

알 수 없는 사용자 2004. 12. 5. 23:56

Laser in Environmental and Life Sciences
Modern Analytical Methods
Hering, Peter; Lay, Jan P.; Stry, Sandra (Eds.)
2004, XXIV, 343 p. 166 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 3-540-40260-8

About this book

This comprehensive reference work illustrates the state of the art of laser-induced analytical methods in environmental and life sciences via an interdisciplinary approach. Techniques of remote sensing in the atmosphere as well as diagnostic methods for soil, water and air contamination and exhaled breath are described. Each a prominent scientist, the authors report on their current research; demonstrate that multi-disciplinary applications are possible; and employ examples on how existing environmental diagnostic methods have found their way into the life sciences
